Educating the Whole Child:
Mind, Body and Spirit.
Weather Station ID: KMAMILLB8
Station Name: Assumption School
Latitude/Longitude: N42°11'29' W71°45'48''
Elevation: 410 feet
City: Millbury State: MA Country: USA
Hardware: Ambient Weather WS-1002-WiFi (Wireless)
Software: WS-1002 V2.5.1
The weather station was launched as a community initiative so our students can learn how STEM disciplines enable environmental awareness.
Seated high above the school grounds, Assumption School's very own weather station, KMAMILLB8, was commissioned January 2019 and is registered with the Weather Underground cloud services so current and historical weather conditions are continuously updated and posted to the Weather Underground.
The school's weather website dashboard shows the school's location, current and past conditions. The example shown was from Monday, January 21st, the temperature was 1.2 ºF with winds gusting over 40 MPH. The wind chill at many times well below -20ºF. A mobil app is also available so you can get the school's weather conditions at any time anywhere.
The weather station was launched as a community initiative so our students can learn how STEM disciplines enable environmental awareness. To learn more, visit our middle school STEM display on the 2nd floor to view current weather conditions on the local Display Console and learn about the stations' components, functions and how STEM disciplines make it all possible.